Light SAVAGE Boat for Search and Rescue (SAR) operation was successfully launched recently at Royal Selangor Yacht Club.
A 6 mtr ALB powered by a 60hp 4 stroke Mercury outboard could easily charge at full ahead speed with 10 crews onboard with enough space for more casualties for SAR operation.
This light, strong and stable aluminium hull is designed for the following application:
- Search and Rescue
- Flood Relief
- Marine Police
- Military Operation
- Commercial Transportation
Boat painted with SAR colour scheme.

Range of Savage light craft series.

Final Preparation before the test run.

Mercury 60hp 4- stroke outboard motor.

Cruising performance with engine at different throttle speed:
- Very smooth riding, good wave splitting and splash restrain by V-nose bow design.
- Excellent performance at high speed sharp turn with minimum water splash.
Video clip during recent test run at Royal Selangor Yacht Club.